Dental Expanders and Braces Corrections
Before & After Patients in Somerville NJ
Please take a moment to view Before and After case studies of Mint Orthodontics LLC patients who received expanders and braces to correct their spacing and bite. For more information, or to make an appointment with Dr. Shinmachi, please use our Appointment form or call us: Mint Orthodontics Somerville Orthodontic Office Phone Number (908) 526-0808.
Severe Crowding | Early Orthodontics: Palatal Expander & Top Braces | Upper & Lower Crowding | Severe Upper & Lower Crowding | Upper Crowding | Top Crowding
Case Study #1: Severe Crowding
Problem: Top and bottom crowding. The back teeth do not fit together well.
Treatment: An expander to make more space for teeth, followed by upper and lower braces for 22 months.

Case Study #2: Early Orthodontics: Palate Expander and Top Braces
Problem: Underbite (underbite: upper front teeth behind lower teeth) and crossbite (crossbite: upper teeth fall inside the lower teeth when biting down). The underbite is causing the lower front teeth to be pushed too far forward.
Treatment: Palate expander to widen top jaw to fit the bottom jaw, then top front braces to bring the top teeth in front of the bottom teeth. The lower teeth self-corrected into position (no treatment was done on the lower teeth). Total treatment time 11 months.
Before: Closeup (Treatment)

After: Closeup

Before: Closeup (Treatment)

After: Closeup

Case Study #3: Severe Dental Crowding: Palate Expander and Full Set of Braces
Problem: Top and bottom crowding. To alleviate crowding without extracting adult teeth, the patient had an expander followed by braces.
Treatment: Palate expander to make more space for teeth, followed by upper and lower braces for 22 months.

Case Study #4: Severe Dental Crowding: Palate Expander and Full Set of Braces
Problem: Top and bottom crowding. To alleviate crowding without extracting adult teeth, the patient had a palate expander, followed by braces.
Treatment: Palate expander to make more space for teeth, followed by upper and lower braces for 24 months.

Case Study #5 Early Orthodontics: Palate Expander and Top Braces
Problem: Top crowding with lateral incisors that have erupted behind all the other teeth.
Treated: Palate expander to widen top jaw then top front braces to align the front four incisors.
Case Study #6: Crowding of unerupted impacted top canines
Problem: Top crowding, needed space for unerupted canines
Treatment: Palate expander with braces afterwards for 23 months

Case Study #7: Top Crowding
Problem: Top crowding
Treatment: Palate expander with braces afterwards for 24 months. Dr. Shinmachi recontoured the upper front edges of the teeth since the patient had mamelons on them. Mamelons are the rounded humps on the edge of teeth. They only appear on incisors, which are the four front teeth in each jaw.

Case Study #8: Flared Upper Teeth
Problem: Two top front teeth flared outwards (“sticking out”)
Treatment: The patient’s two front teeth were flared forward. With braces, her two front teeth are pulled back into alignment with the other teeth. Treatment time was 25 months.
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